Sunday, October 2, 2011

Report theft in New Haven, CT

Have you had something stolen in New Haven? Call NHPD at 203.946.6316 and post details here.

The benefits of reporting here are:
1) Let neighbors know that crime is happening in real time.
2) Publicly post what has been taken to increase chance of recovery
3) Police Lieutenants in New Haven will receive an email with your issue whether or not NHPD non-emergency will take you call or notify the police.
4) Together we will create a public data set that will help us understand what is happening our community.

Please let us know if you think this map is valuable as it is an experiment. Also please close out your issues when you feel that they are resolved or in the event that resolution is hopeless. The issue will remain on the site as an archived issue and will act as a data point that can be referenced later.